710.2 Free or Reduced Cost Meals Eligibility

Students enrolled and attending school in the school district, who are unable to afford the special milk program, the cost or a portion of the cost of a school lunch, breakfast, and supplemental foods, will be provided school food program services at no cost or at a reduced cost.


It shall be the responsibility of the food service director to determine if a student qualifies for free or reduced cost school food services. Students, whom the food service director believes are in need of proper nourishment will not be denied school food program services simply because the necessary paperwork has not been completed.


*It shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent to establish regulations regarding the collection of unpaid meal debt and service of meals for students who are not eligible for free or reduced price lunch for whom sufficient funds are not available in their account for payment for payment.


Approved:          10/21/2019                   Reviewed:                     Revised: