The Board of Directors consists of five (5) members. Each member is elected for a term of four years, or for the length of time it takes to complete the unexpired term of a regularly elected member who has left the Board.
Approved: 06/08/2015 Reviewed: 1/24/2022 Revised: 1/8/2018
The board will hold its organizational meeting in odd-numbered years at or before the first regular meeting following the canvass of votes. Notice of the meeting's place and time will be given by the board secretary to each member, member-elect and the public.
The purpose of the meeting is to transfer material and responsibility from the outgoing board to the new board. At the meeting, the board will elect a president and a vice president who will hold office for one year. Once elected, the president and vice president will be entitled to vote on all matters before the board.
Meeting Procedure
The organizational meeting of the board will be held in two parts: the final meeting of the outgoing board and the organizational meeting of the new board.
1. Final Meeting of the Retiring Board
2. Organizational Meeting of the New Board
Other items of business at the organizational meeting may include:
The Board of Directors of Knoxville Community School District, acting on behalf of the school district, shall have jurisdiction over school matters within the territory of the school district.
The Board of Directors of Knoxville Community School District shall operate, control, and supervise all public schools located within its district boundaries and may exercise any broad and implied power, not inconsistent with the laws of the general assembly and administrative rules adopted by state agencies pursuant thereto, related to the operation, control, and supervision of those public schools.
The Board is empowered to make policy for its own governance, for employees, for students and for school district facilities. The Board is also empowered to enforce its policies. The Board may, through its quasi-judicial power, conduct hearings and rule on issues and disputes confronting the school district.
The Board has these powers and all other powers expressly granted to it in federal and state law, as well as the powers that can be reasonably implied from the express powers.
Because all powers of the Board derived from the state statutes are granted in terms of action as a group, individual Board members exercise authority over district affairs only as they vote to take action at a legal meeting of the Board. In other instances, an individual Board member, including the president, will have power only when the Board, by vote, has delegated authority. The Board will make its members, the district staff, and the public aware that only the Board acting as a whole has authority to take official action. Therefore, the Board may transact business only with a quorum present during a regular or special meeting.
Pursuant to the state statutes, any Board member shall not seek individually to influence the official functions of the District. The Board and its members will deal with administrative services through the superintendent and will not give orders to any subordinates of the superintendent either publicly or privately, but may make suggestions and recommendations.
The board is authorized to govern the school district which it oversees. The board is entrusted with public funds and is responsible for overseeing the improvement of student outcomes, including student academic achievement and skill proficiency. As the governing board of the school district, the board has four duties to perform: legislative duty, executive duty, evaluative duty and quasi-judicial duty.
As a representative of the citizens of the school district community, the board is responsible for legislating policy for the school district. As a policy making body, the board has jurisdiction to enact policy with the force and effect of law for the management and operation of the school district.
It is the responsibility of the board, under the board's executive duty, to select its chief executive officer, the superintendent, to operate the school district on the board's behalf. The board delegates to the superintendent its authority to carry out board policy, to formulate and carry out rules and regulations and to handle the administrative details in a manner which supports and is consistent with board policy.
The board has a responsibility to review the education program's performance under its evaluative duty. The board regularly reviews the education program and ancillary services. The review includes a careful study and examination of the facts, conditions and circumstances surrounding the amount of funds received or expended and the education program's ability to achieve the board's educational philosophy and goals for the school district.
The board fulfills its quasi-judicial duties in serving as a neutral arbiter for hearings related to student suspension or expulsion proceedings and certain employment termination hearings and appeals. This important power was granted by the Iowa legislature and cannot be delegated. To preserve the board’s neutrality to hear and decide upon these matters, the board does not investigate or become involved in student disciplinary matters or employment matters that may come before it and would require the board to serve in its quasi-judicial role.
The board sees the value in promoting the excellent work and accomplishments of the district’s students and staff. Social media is one of many effective communication tools that the district may utilize. Board members have been publicly elected to govern the district and accept a fiduciary responsibility. That responsibility means board members agree to always act in the best interests of the district. For this reason, the board shall expect that individual communications and social media posts made by board members will reflect the values and decorum expected of elected officials in the school community.
All board members enjoy rights to freedom of speech under both the U.S. and Iowa Constitutions. As such, the district will not limit protected speech of any board members. Certain categories of speech are not protected and may be subject to regulation. Additionally, board members should be aware that protected speech can still subject individuals to legal liability. Only the Board President is designated as official spokesperson authorized to speak on behalf of the board. Any postings by Board Members about district related matter on their individual social media accounts shall not be considered official action of the district. Official statements of the district shall be made only on district social media accounts through the designated spokesperson of the district or the entire board speaking as a governing body.
The board as a whole and individual board members in their governance role have legal obligations to safeguard the privacy of information related to student and employee matters. Board members will refrain from posting or communicating on social media in a way that violates the district’s obligation to protect the privacy of its students and employees.
Board members are uniquely positioned in the school community to be both accessible and responsive to community concerns about the effective governance of the district. As a result, the board will remember their obligations to safeguard student and employee privacy when responding to any social media posts or communications, even if the response is intended to correct information for the rest of the school community. Board members will direct concerned individuals to the appropriate district staff to address their inquiry or complaint in accordance with board policy.
Approved: 06/26/2023 Reviewed: Revised: 7/29/2024
Board members are officials of the state. As a public official, each board member must pledge to uphold the Iowa and the United States Constitution and carry out the responsibilities of the office to the best of the board member's ability.
The election of citizens to the Board of Directors takes place on the second Tuesday in November of odd-numbered years. Each school election is used to elect citizens to the board to maintain a five (5) member board and to address questions that are submitted to the voters. Citizens of the school district community seeking a seat on the Board must file their nomination papers with the Board secretary consistent with the deadlines provided in Iowa law. If a vacancy occurs on the Board, it may be filled by an appointment consistent with Iowa law. If the board chooses to appoint, the Board Secretary shall post notice of the board’s intent to fill the vacancy by appointment in the district newspaper of general circulation. The notice must state that the electors of the school district have the right to file a petition requiring that the vacancy be filled by special election. The board may appoint to fill the vacancy after the notice is published or after the vacancy occurs, whichever is later. The newly-appointed board member will hold the position until the next scheduled school election. However, if the next regular school election is within 180 days or less, then an appointment to fill the vacancy until the next regular school election may be made. If the board does not fill the vacancy by appointment, or if a valid petition is filed within 14 days of notice, the Board secretary will call for a special election to fill the vacancy. Candidates for a seat created by a vacancy must file their nomination papers with the Board secretary consistent with the deadlines provided in Iowa law. All elections will be held as provided in Iowa law. It is the responsibility of the county commissioner of elections to conduct school elections.
Each newly-elected board member will take the oath of office prior to any action taken as a school official. The oath of office is taken by each new board member elected at the school election at or before the organizational meeting of the board. In the event of an appointment or special election to fill a vacancy, the new board member will take the oath of office within ten days of the appointment or election.
Approved: 06/08/2015 Reviewed: 1/24/2022 Revised: 1/8/2018
Any qualified elector of the school district may be elected to serve on the Board of Directors at either a regular election or at a special election called to fill a vacancy on the Board of Directors.
A qualified elector possesses all the following characteristics:
Approved: 06/08/2015 Reviewed: 1/24/2022 Revised: 1/8/2018
Members or officers of the Board of Directors shall not use their position with the District to place themselves in a more favored position to purchase anything for personal benefit.
No member of the Board of Directors shall have an interest, direct or indirect, in a contract for the purchase of goods, including materials and profits, or the performance of services for the School District. A member of the Board of Directors may not:
No member of the Board of Directors or their families may accept any gratuities, financial or otherwise, from any supplier of materials or services to the District.
Approved: 06/08/2015 Reviewed: 1/24/2022 Revised: 02/27/23
The public school system is accepted as the foundational agency for building and sustaining a principled democracy. The Iowa Association of School Boards recommends every board discuss, adopt and follow a code of ethics, using it to guide their decision making. The following is a sample code of ethics.
Board Members:
The president of the Board is elected by a majority vote at the organizational or annual board meeting each year to serve a one-year term of office. A member may be elected to successive one-year terms as president. Once elected, the president will take the oath of office.
The president, in addition to presiding at the board meetings, will take an active role in board decisions by discussing and voting on each motion before the board in the same manner as other board members. Before making or seconding a motion, however, the board president will turn over control of the meeting to either the vice-president or other board member.
The board president has the authority to call special meetings of the board. Prior to board meetings, the board president will consult with the superintendent on the development of the agenda for the meeting. The board president, as the chief officer of the school district, will sign employment contracts, other contracts and school district warrants approved by the board. The board president will appear on behalf of the school corporation in causes of action involving the school district, unless the board president must appear individually as a party, in which case, this duty shall be performed by the secretary.
The vice-president shall serve in the absence of the president and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the president or by the Board. The vice-president will be elected by a majority vote at the organizational or annual board meeting each year to serve a one–year term of office. A member may be elected to successive one-year terms as vice-president. Once elected, the president will take the oath of office.
The vice-president will take an active role in board decisions by discussing and voting on matters before the board in the same manner as other board members. The vice-president will accept control of the meeting from the president when the president wishes to make or second a motion.
If the board president is unable or unwilling to carry out the duties required, it is the responsibility of the vice-president of the board to carry out those duties. If the president is unable or unwilling to complete the term of office, the vice-president will serve as president for the balance of the president’s term of office, and a new vice-president will be elected.
A board secretary-treasurer may be appointed from employees, other than a position requiring a teaching certificate, or from the public. To finalize the appointment, the board secretary-treasurer will take the oath of office during the meeting at which the individual was appointed or no later than ten days thereafter.
It is the responsibility of the board secretary-treasurer, as custodian of school district records, to preserve and maintain the records and documents pertaining to the business of the board; to keep complete minutes of special and regular board meetings, including closed sessions; to keep a record of the results of regular and special elections; to keep an accurate account of school funds; to sign warrants drawn on the school funds after board approval; and collect data on truant students. The board secretary-treasurer will also be responsible for filing the required reports with the Iowa Department of Education.
It is the responsibility of the secretary-treasurer to oversee the investment portfolio, to receive funds of the school district, to pay out the funds for expenses approved by the board, to maintain accurate accounting records for each fund, to report monthly regarding the investment portfolio and the status of each fund and to file required reports with the appropriate state agencies and other entities. It will also be the responsibility of the secretary-treasurer to coordinate the financial records, the financial reports, the cash flow needs and the investment portfolio of the school district.
In the event the board secretary-treasurer is unable to fulfill the responsibilities set out by the board and the law, an appointed interim will assume those duties until the board secretary-treasurer is able to resume the responsibility or a new board secretary-treasurer is appointed. The board secretary-treasurer will give bond or be covered by an insurance policy in an amount set by the board. The cost of the bond or insurance policy will be paid by the school district.
Approved: 06/08/2015 Reviewed: 1/24/2022 Revised: 7/29/2024
The Board of Directors will annually appoint legal counsel to represent the corporation and to advise the Board on legal matters. Counsel will attend regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors when requested to do so, and will be available for consultation as needed.
Because it is often necessary to consult legal counsel and receive its expert opinion as part of background information to be used by the Board of Directors in making decisions, and because at times the school district may be involved in litigation or other legal matters, the Superintendent, Board President and the District Secretary are authorized to seek counsel's services as needed. However, the Board of Directors wishes to be kept informed of legal matters that are other than routine, and of legal services that may involve extraordinary expense to the district.
Individual Board members are expected to consult school legal counsel only when the full Board of Directors has given permission for such consultation. Otherwise, the Board member will be expected to pay any legal fees that may result.
Approved: 06/08/2015 Reviewed: 1/24/2022 Revised: 1/8/2018
The Board of Directors will rely on various advisory committees to counsel it as one way to learn about the needs and desires of the school district and its residents. The central purpose of all advisory committees is to contribute to the educational program by conducting studies, identifying problems, and developing recommendations that will help the Board of Directors in the decision making process. The ultimate authority to make decisions will continue to rest with the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors may form citizens' advisory committees at such times and for such specific purposes as the Board of Directors deems necessary. They will function until their assigned goal has been accomplished, or until the Board of Directors dissolves the committee. Generally, citizens' advisory committees will be assigned to investigate areas of the educational program that need development, change, or reorganization, and areas of community involvement in district affairs.
Members will be broadly representative of the community's population, and will be chosen from among residents who have shown an interest in the topic to be studied, or who have a particular expertise relating to the topic.
Once activated, the committee will report periodically to the Board of Directors, keeping it informed of progress and problems. The Board of Directors may designate the intervals at which it will hear from the committee, but any significant developments will be reported as they occur. No announcement may be made by any committee or its members to the public or press until such release has been cleared with the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors will provide citizens' advisory committees with a suitable meeting place and other required facilities until the Board of Directors dissolves the committees.
Approved: 06/08/2015 Reviewed: 1/24/2022 Revised: 1/8/2018
The Board may determine from time to time that Board committees may be required to assist the Board in its discharge of duties. In addition to any legally required committees, the Board may appoint standing committees with specific charges. In no case shall a committee constitute a quorum of the Board of Directors.
Reports of Board committees shall be circulated in advance through the Superintendent's office, except in an emergency or as directed by the Board or President of the Board.
All committees are advisory in nature and may make recommendations to the Board. The Board retains the authority to make all final decisions.
Approved: 06/08/2015 Reviewed: 1/24/2022 Revised: 1/8/2018
All meetings of the Board of Directors shall be public meetings and shall be open to the public at all times with the exception of closed session as described under Iowa law.
Advance public notice of the time, date, and place of each meeting, and the tentative agenda shall be provided. When it is necessary to hold an emergency meeting without notice, the nature of the emergency shall be stated in the minutes.
Regular Meetings
The regular meeting time and date shall be set by the Board at its organizational meeting. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors will be held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month.
Meetings will be held in the meeting place officially designated by the Board of Directors, which will be accessible to the public.
When a regular meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting will be held on the following day.
Organizational Meetings
An organizational meeting shall be held at the first regular meeting after the canvass of votes of the regular school election. The meeting shall be called to order by the Secretary acting as temporary chairperson.
The first order of business shall be to swear into office any new members unless they have been so sworn previously. The Board shall then elect from its membership a President and a Vice-President and shall appoint a Secretary and Treasurer.
Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Board may be called at any time by the President or by the Secretary of the Board upon the written request of the majority of the Board. Written notice, stating the time and place of any special meeting and the purpose for which it is called, shall be delivered to each Board Member in person or sent by registered letter in sufficient time to allow for delivery of notice in advance of such meeting. No business other than that stated in the notice shall be transacted at such meeting.
Annual Meetings
At a regular or special meeting held after August 31, but before the organizational meeting, the Board shall examine the books of the Secretary and Treasurer for the year ending on 30th day of June preceding, and transact such other business as may properly come before it. The Treasurer shall furnish the Board with a sworn statement from each depository showing the balance.
Attendance shall be a waiver of notice.
Closed Session
The Board may hold a closed session only by affirmative public vote of either two-thirds of the members of the body or all of the members present at the meeting. The Board may hold a closed session for any of the reasons listed in Chapter 21.5 of the Iowa Code. No formal action of any kind may be taken in a closed session.
Exempt Session
Board meetings at which a quorum is not present, or gatherings of the board for purely ministerial or social purposes when there is no discussion of policy or no intent to avoid the purposes of the open meetings law, are exempt from the open meetings law requirements. Since gatherings of this type are exempt from the open meetings requirements, they can be held without public notice, be separate from an open meeting, be held without recording the gathering or taking minutes, and be held without a vote or motion. The board may also hold an exempt session for the following reasons, or as may be otherwise authorized by law:
Negotiating sessions, strategy meetings of public employers or employee organizations mediation and the deliberative process of arbitration;
To discuss strategy in matters relating to employment conditions of employees not covered by the collective bargaining law;
To conduct a private hearing relating to recommended termination of a teacher’s contract. The private hearing however, in the teacher’s contract termination will be recorded verbatim by a court reporter; and
To conduct a private hearing relating to the termination of a probationary administrator’s contract or to review the proposed decision of the administrative law judge regarding the termination of an administrator’s contract.
Electronic Meetings
The Board may conduct a meeting by electronic means such as a telephone conference call only “in circumstances where such a meeting in person is impossible or impractical.” Public access to the conversation must be provided “to the extent reasonably possible.” Public notice must be given for the electronic meeting and minutes kept, which include the reason for not holding a meeting in person.
Work Sessions and Retreats
The Board may schedule work sessions and retreats from time to time in order to provide its members and the administrative staff with such opportunities. Topics for discussion and study will be announced publically and work sessions and retreats will be conducted in accordance with the state law.
Quorum of Board Meetings
The majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A majority vote of those members present shall be necessary and sufficient to pass any motion or to take any action of the Board of Directors, unless state law or Board policies require the vote of a greater number of Board members on a particular issue.
Rules of Order
In matters of procedure not covered by these policies, Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern.
Approved: 6/08/2015 Reviewed: 1/24/2022 Revised: 1/8/2018
The Board of Directors shall develop and maintain a policy manual that provides a codification of its policy actions. Policies shall be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure relevance to current practices and compliance with the law.
The policies of the Board may be amended or revised by resolution adopted at any regular meeting, provided notice of such change shall have been given at a previous meeting. The superintendent of schools is authorized to submit written recommendations for revision of any existing policies as he/she deems necessary for the most efficient operation of the District. The superintendent will notify all employees whenever revisions, additions, or amendments are made. This notice procedure shall be required except for emergency situations, which shall be determined solely by the Board.
Copies of the policy manual are available in the administrative offices of the District. They are also available on the District’s website.
When there is no board policy in existence to provide guidance on a matter, the superintendent is authorized to act appropriately under the circumstances surrounding the situation keeping in mind the educational philosophy and financial condition of the school district.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent to inform the board of the situation and the action taken and to document the action taken. If needed, the superintendent will draft a proposed policy for the board to consider.
The board will give notice of adoption of new policies by placing the item on the agenda of two regular board meetings. This notice procedure will be required except for emergency situations. If the board adopts a policy in an emergency situation, a statement regarding the emergency and the need for immediate adoption of the policy will be included in the minutes. The board will have complete discretion to determine what constitutes an emergency situation.
The final action taken to adopt the proposed policy will be approved by a simple majority vote of the board at the next regular meeting after the meeting allowing public discussion. The policy will be effective on the later of the date of passage or the date stated in the motion.
In the case of an emergency, a new or changed policy may be adopted by a majority vote of a quorum of the board. The emergency policy will expire at the close of the third regular meeting following the emergency action, unless the policy adoption procedure stated above is followed and the policy is reaffirmed.
Approved: 4/10/2023 Reviewed: Revised:
The board policy manual is available electronically. Persons unable to access the policy manual electronically should contact the board secretary for assistance.
Copies of changes in board policy will also be included in or attached to the minutes of the meetings in which the final action was taken to adopt the new or changed policy.
Generally, the board will follow board policy and enforce it equitably. The board, and only the board, may, in extreme emergencies of a very unique nature, suspend policy. It is within the discretion of the board to determine when an extreme emergency of a very unique nature exists. Reasons for suspension of board policy will be documented in board minutes.
Approved: 4/10/2023 Reviewed: Revised:
The Board of Directors delegates to the superintendent the function of formulating regulations designed to carry out the policies of the Board. These regulations will constitute the administrative regulations governing the schools.
Approved: 06/08/2015 Reviewed: 1/24/2022 Revised: 1/8/2018
The board shall, at least once every five years, review board policy. Once the policy has been reviewed, even if no changes were made, a notation of the date of review is made on the face of the policy statement.
The board will review one-fifth of the policy manual annually according to the following subject areas:
It is the responsibility of the superintendent to keep the board informed as to legal changes at both the federal and state levels. The superintendent will also be responsible for bringing proposed policy statement revisions to the board's attention.
If a policy is revised because of a legal change over which the board has no control or a change which is minor, the policy may be approved at one meeting at the discretion of the board.
Approved: 4/10/2023 Reviewed: Revised:
The Superintendent shall recommend approval to the Board of Directors for all curriculum guides, manuals, handbooks, and similar types of publications that are directive in nature.
The Student, Coaches and Employee Handbooks will be annually reviewed and revised as needed, and copies of such are to be made available to the Board of Directors to afford the individual Board Members the opportunity to observe the manner and fashion in which the administrative staff is implementing district policy.
Approved: 06/08/2015 Reviewed: 1/24/2022 Revised: 1/8/2018
Public notices shall be given for meetings and work sessions and retreats held by the Board. Public notice shall indicate the time, place, date and tentative agenda of the meeting, work session or retreat. The public notice shall be posted on the district website and members of the public may come to the District Administration Office during normal business hours to access a copy of the board agenda. The agenda will be posted at least twenty-four (24) hours before the meeting is to occur.
A copy of the public notice will be provided to those who have filed a written request for notice with the Board secretary. A copy of the public notice will also be accessible by employees and students.
In the case of special meetings, public notice shall be given in the same manner as for a regular meeting unless it is an emergency meeting. If the meeting is an emergency meeting, public notice of the meeting shall be given as soon as practical and possible in light of the situation. The media and others who have requested notice shall be notified of the emergency meeting. Attendance at special meetings or emergency meetings by the media or a Board member shall constitute a waiver of notice.
It shall be the responsibility of the Board Secretary to give public notice of Board meetings and work sessions.
The following rules of procedure have been adopted by the board at the annual or organizational meeting:
The tentative agenda for each board meeting will state the topics for discussion and action at the board meeting. The agenda is part of the public notice of the board meeting and will be posted and distributed.
It is the responsibility of the board president and superintendent to develop the agenda for each board meeting. Persons requesting to place an item on the agenda must make a request to the superintendent prior to the drafting of the tentative agenda. The person making the request must state the person’s name, address, purpose of the presentation, action desired, and pertinent background information. Requests from the public may be added to the tentative agenda at the discretion of the superintendent after consultation with the board president. Requests received after the deadline may only be added to the agenda for good cause. The tentative agenda and supporting documents will be sent to the board members prior to the scheduled board meeting. These documents are the private property of the board member. Persons wishing to view the tentative agenda and supporting documents may do so at the central administrative office.
The board will take action only on the items listed on the tentative agenda posted with the public notice. Items added to the agenda may be discussed or taken under advisement by the board. If an added item is acted upon, the minutes of the board meeting will state the reason justifying the immediate action.
Board Room @ District Office (418 S Park Lane Dr)
DATE: ____________ @ 5:30 PM
I. Call to Order by Board President
II. Roll Call & Determination of Quorum
III. Approval of Agenda/Conflict of Interest
IV. Consider Consent Agenda
A. Meeting Minutes
B. Financial Statements/Student Activity Fund/Bills
C. Personnel Recommendations
1. Resignations
2. Hirings
3. Transfers
4. Volunteers
D. Agreements/Contracts
V. Communications
A. Presentations
B. Publications
C. Public Comments
VI: Reports
VII: Old Business
VIII: New Business
IX: Announcements
X: Adjournment
Public Comments disclaimer: Public comments is a time that is set aside for the board to hear comments from the public. Members of the audience will be asked to state their name before they start with comments about items of interest or concern. Individuals will be limited to 5 minutes (slightly more for organized groups) so that we can keep the meeting moving in a timely fashion and allow others an opportunity to speak, as well as allowing the board to complete the full board agenda in a timely manner.
Comments from the public are not limited to items or topics on tonight’s agenda, but they are limited to matters within the board’s authority. Please understand, however, the board cannot discuss items not already on the agenda. Iowa’s sunshine law prohibits the board from having a discussion without the proper notice to all of the school district community that the issue would be discussed at tonight’s board meeting.
Also, please remember you are making comments in a public meeting. Should you make comments that the subject of the comments considers to be inflammatory or libelous, you, as an individual, may be subject to legal action brought by the subject of your comments.
Thank you for your support of our school district.
Approved: 4/10/2023 Reviewed: Revised:
Date: ________________ at 5:30 PM
Very often the board must consider agenda items which are noncontroversial or similar in content. Such agenda items might include ministerial tasks such as, but not limited to, the approval of the agenda, approval of previous minutes, approval of bills, approval of reports, etc. These items might also include similar groups of decisions such as, but not limited to, approval of staff contracts, approval of maintenance details for the school buildings and grounds, open enrollment requests or approval of various schedules.
In order for a more efficient administration of board meetings, the board may elect to use a consent agenda for the passage of noncontroversial items or items of a similar nature.
The superintendent in consultation with the board president and board secretary shall place items on the consent agenda. By using a consent agenda, the board has consented to the consideration of certain items as a group under one resolution. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of a board member.
Nothing in this policy is to be construed as an attempt to avoid full compliance with laws dealing with open meetings or public notice of the agenda and meeting.
Approved: 4/10/2023 Reviewed: Revised:
Votes on all motions and resolutions will be by "ayes" and "nayes" and will be recorded based upon the individual member who is voting. All motions will be carried by a majority of the members present and voting or as otherwise required by law.
Final action on any matter before the Board may be taken only in open session, unless some other provision of the Code of Iowa permits action to be taken in closed session.
When the Board of Directors votes on the question of holding a closed session, the vote of each member and the reason for holding the closed session by reference to a specific exemption must be announced publicly at the open session and entered into the minutes.
The Board recognizes the importance of citizen participation in school district matters. In order to assure citizens are heard and board meetings are conducted efficiently and in an organized manner, the Board may set time aside for citizen participation, either at a specific time during the meeting or during the discussion of agenda items. If the pressure of business or other circumstances dictate, the board president may decide to not set time aside for citizen participation.
Citizens wishing to address the Board on a certain agenda item must notify the superintendent prior to the board meeting. Citizens wishing to present petitions to the Board may do so at this time. The board president will recognize these individuals to make their comments at the appropriate time during public comment. However, if a petition is presented, the Board will only receive the petition and not act upon it or its contents. The Board has the discretion to limit the amount of time set aside for public participation. Normally, speakers will be limited to 5 minutes with a total allotted time for public participation of 60 minutes.
If the Board has set time aside for citizen participation and citizens wish to address the Board, the board president will recognize these individuals to make their comments at the appropriate time. The orderly process of the board meeting will not be interfered with or disrupted. Only those speakers recognized by the board president will be allowed to speak. Comments by others are out of order. If disruptive, the individual making comments or another individual causing disruption may be asked to leave the board meeting.
Public comment shall be limited to regular board meetings and will not be routinely held during special board meetings.
Petitions to Place a Topic on the Agenda
Individuals who wish for an item to be placed on the board agenda may submit a valid petition to the board. For a petition to be valid, it must be signed by at least 500 eligible electors of the district, or ten percent of the individuals who voted in the last school election, whichever number is lower.
Upon receiving a valid petition to the board to place a proposal on the next board agenda for public hearing, the board will place the proposal identified in the petition on the agenda of the next regular meeting, or a special meeting held within 30 days of receipt of the petition. The board will provide a sign-up sheet for all individuals who wish to speak on the proposal, and individuals will be called to speak in order of sign-up. The sign-up sheet will require each individual to list their legal name and mailing address. Each speaker will be limited to an amount of time established by the board president that is reasonable and necessary based on the number of speakers signed up. The same time limit will apply to all speakers on the proposal. Each individual will be limited to one opportunity to speak. The board maintains absolute discretion on whether or not to discuss or act on the public comments made on the proposal. If a petition is related to curriculum, the district maintains discretion to determine whether to stop teaching that curriculum until the board holds the public hearing to discuss the curriculum.
Individuals who have a complaint about an employee may ask the board to hear their complaint only after they have followed the board policy addressing citizens’ complaints. Students who have a complaint may ask the board to hear their complaint only after they have followed board policy addressing students’ complaints.
Approved: 06/08/2015 Reviewed: 1/24/2022 Revised: 08/14/2023
The board recognizes situations may arise in the operation of the school district which are of concern to parents and other members of the school district community.
The board firmly believes concerns should be resolved at the lowest organizational level by those individuals closest to the concern. Whenever a complaint or concern is brought to the attention of the board it will be referred to the administration to be resolved. Prior to board action however, the following should be completed:
Parents, guardians and community members of the district who have concerns about the district or the board may refer to the student handbook for additional guidance from the Iowa Department of Education.
It is within the discretion of the board to address complaints from the members of the school district community, and the board will only consider whether to address complaints if they are in writing, signed, and the complainant has complied with this policy. The board is not obligated to address a complaint and may defer to the decision of the superintendent. If the board elects not to address a complaint, the decision of the superintendent shall be final. If the board does elect to address a complaint, its decision shall be final.
Approved: 11/28/2022 Reviewed: 11/28/2022 Revised: 11/28/2022
A complete and accurate set of minutes of each regular and special board meeting shall be kept to comply with all legal requirements. Minutes of all of the regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be kept showing the time, date, and place, the members present, and the action taken at each meeting. Minutes leading to a closed session shall include the vote of each member on the question of holding the closed session and the reason for the closed session, but the statement of such reason need not state in the minutes the name of any individual or the details of the matter discussed in the closed session.
A copy of the minutes shall be sent to each member of the Board of Directors before the next regularly scheduled meeting. The Secretary of the Board shall furnish a copy of the proceedings as indicated by the minutes within a reasonable amount of time following the adjournment of the meeting to the school district’s official newspaper for publication.
Minutes shall be kept in an official record book specified for that purpose and shall be kept on file as the official record of legislation of the District and shall be open to public inspection. Examination of the official record book by any citizen or group of citizens must be made at the location where the District maintains the records, and under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Board.
A complete and accurate set of minutes and complete tape recordings will be made of all each session of the Board of each closed session. The Board Secretary will be custodian of the detailed minutes and tapes, which will be sealed and maintained as required by law.
Approved: 06/08/2015 Reviewed: 1/24/2022 Revised: 1/8/2018
High achieving school boards work as a team to create high expectations for all students. Board learning is foundational to creating this solid governance structure focused on student learning for school boards. The board may participate in conferences sponsored by educational associations and agencies in addition to its own in-service programs and work sessions.
The board will work closely with the Iowa Association of School Boards' and encourage the board members to participate in qualifying learning opportunities to achieve the Annual Board Award.
Approved: Reviewed: Revised:
Members of the Board of Directors serve without pay. Board members shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties as allowed by law.
Board members may receive a gift on behalf of the school district. Board members will not, either directly or indirectly, solicit, accept or receive a gift, series of gifts or an honorarium unless the donor does not meet the definition of "restricted donor" stated below or the gift or honorarium does not meet the definition of gift or honorarium stated below.
A "restricted donor" is defined as a person or other entity which:
A "gift" is the giving of anything of value in return for which something of equal or greater value is not given or received. However, "gift" does not include any of the following:
An "honorarium" is anything of value that is accepted by, or on behalf of, a board member as consideration for an appearance, speech or article. An honorarium does not include any of the following:
It is the responsibility of each board member to know when it is appropriate to accept or reject gifts or honorariums.
Approved: 4/10/2023 Reviewed: Revised: