Board Room @ District Office (418 S Park Lane Dr)
DATE: ____________ @ 5:30 PM
I. Call to Order by Board President
II. Roll Call & Determination of Quorum
III. Approval of Agenda/Conflict of Interest
IV. Consider Consent Agenda
A. Meeting Minutes
B. Financial Statements/Student Activity Fund/Bills
C. Personnel Recommendations
1. Resignations
2. Hirings
3. Transfers
4. Volunteers
D. Agreements/Contracts
V. Communications
A. Presentations
B. Publications
C. Public Comments
VI: Reports
VII: Old Business
VIII: New Business
IX: Announcements
X: Adjournment
Public Comments disclaimer: Public comments is a time that is set aside for the board to hear comments from the public. Members of the audience will be asked to state their name before they start with comments about items of interest or concern. Individuals will be limited to 5 minutes (slightly more for organized groups) so that we can keep the meeting moving in a timely fashion and allow others an opportunity to speak, as well as allowing the board to complete the full board agenda in a timely manner.
Comments from the public are not limited to items or topics on tonight’s agenda, but they are limited to matters within the board’s authority. Please understand, however, the board cannot discuss items not already on the agenda. Iowa’s sunshine law prohibits the board from having a discussion without the proper notice to all of the school district community that the issue would be discussed at tonight’s board meeting.
Also, please remember you are making comments in a public meeting. Should you make comments that the subject of the comments considers to be inflammatory or libelous, you, as an individual, may be subject to legal action brought by the subject of your comments.
Thank you for your support of our school district.
Approved: 4/10/2023 Reviewed: Revised: