Request for reconsideration of printed or multi-media material to be submitted to the superintendent
Review Initiated By: Date:_______________
Address:__________________________________City/State:________________Zip Code:________
School(s) in which item is used:__________________________. Relationship (parent, student, citizen, etc.):______________
Book or Other Printed Material, If Applicable:
Author:____________________________ Hardcover:_____ Paperback:_____ Other:_____
Date of Publication:_____________________________
Multimedia Material, If Applicable:
Title:________________________________________ Producer:_____________________________
Type of material (video, online resource, motion picture, etc.):______________________________
Person Making the Request Represents: (circle one) Self Group or Organization
Name and Address of Group or Organization:_________________________________________
1. What brought this item to your attention?
2. To what in the item do you object? (please be specific -- cite pages, frames, etc.)
3. In your opinion, what harmful effects upon students might result from use of this item?
4. Do you perceive any instructional value in the use of this item?
5. Did you review the entire item? If not, what sections did you review?
6. Should the opinion of any additional experts in the field be considered? Yes _____ No ____
If yes, please list specific suggestions:
7. To replace this item, do you recommend other material which you consider to be of equal or superior quality for the purpose intended?
8. Do you wish to make an oral presentation to the Review Committee?
__________Yes (a) Please contact the Superintendent
(b) Please be prepared at this time to indicate the approximate length of time your presentation will require. Although this is no guarantee that you will be allowed to present to the committee, or that you will get your requested amount of time. Minutes requested: __________
___________ No
Signature:_______________________________________ Date:____________________
Approved: 9/23/2019 Reviewed: 11/28/2022 Revised: 11/28/2022