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DELETE 506.1E2 (KCSD 520.4) Authorization for Release of Student Records

The undersigned hereby requests permission to examine and/or receive copies of the Knoxville Community School District's official student records of:



______________________________________        _______________________

(Legal Name of Student)            (Date of Birth)




______________________________________        _______________________

(Name of Last School Attended)        (Dates of Attendance)

The undersigned specifically authorizes the release of the following official student records of the above student: (If no records are specified, the undersigned authorized the release of all student records of the above student.)





The reason for the authorization:________________________________________________________________



Copies of the records shall be furnished to the following (check all that apply):

(  ) the undersigned

(  ) the student

(  ) other (please specify): ________________________________________________________________

The undersigned has the following relationship to the student: __________________________


______________________________________          ______________________________________  

                   (Signature)            (Printed name)






______________________________________          ______________________________________  

                       (Address)            (City/State/Zip)



_______________________          ______________________________________

(Phone)              (Email address )       




Approved:   7/15/2019                             Reviewed:                     Revised: